Rated 2.5
From Library
I keep asking myself why I keep reading these books. But then when a new one comes out I always do. It's like chocolate covered cherries - they tend to make me slightly sick but I eat them anyway. Go figure.
BOOKLIST REVIEW: Stephanie Plum, finds herself watching over a goth teen called Zook, who is heavily into gaming, after his mom can't make bail and disappears (or has been kidnapped). A lot of people think there is stolen money buried in or near Officer Morelli's little house-that's Steph's Morelli, the cop who is her number-one boyfriend most of the time, or at least when the entrancing Ranger isn't nearby. The money is the reason behind Zook's mom's disappearance, and it's the tie that binds Evanovich's various plotlines, which carom about endlessly, not always resolving. Questions abound: Are Steph's sidekick, the plus-size Lula, and Ranger's man Tank really engaged? Ranger is working security for a fading but brassy pop star: How does Steph manage to get into and out of her reality show? Can Zook and his sidekicks protect Morelli's house-and Stephanie-with their homegrown weaponry (think potatoes as missiles)? Where else but Evanovich's fourteenth novel can a line like "it's raining money and popsicles!" actually make sense?
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