By Amy Stewart
Rated: ★★★★
Since I'm one of those people who can happly get their complete gardening experience by browsing through seed catalogs and visiting the local farmer's market on Saturday mornings this was just the book for me. I get all the vicarious thrills I need by reading about someone else's hard work.
And in the same spirit of piggy backing on someone else's hard work I have copied this review from amazon.
"When the author and her husband bought their first home in California, she was eager to grow the bountiful, colorful garden she had so long envisioned. With much enthusiasm and little knowledge, she began her weekly trek to the local nursery to stock up on all varieties of seedlings. Why, she wondered, did they not flourish after being planted in the bare backyard? Only after many mistakes, much expense, and worrisome encounters with weeds and bugs was she able to transform her little plot into "a garden with soul," jumbled and luxuriant. Along with a witty description of her mistakes, the author shares her solutions. She gives other beginning gardeners tips on making earthworm manure, improving the soil by sheet composting, encouraging beneficial insects, and sharing excess produce with neighbors.